How to Send a Collaborator Request in Shopify

Are you looking to team up with someone on your Shopify store? Sending a collaborator request is a great way to give trusted partners access to your store. This blog post will walk you through the simple steps to make it happen. Step-by-Step Guide to Sending a Collaborator Request in Shopify What Happens Next? It’s […]

How to Send a Collaborator Request in Shopify

Are you looking to team up with someone on your Shopify store? Sending a collaborator request is a great way to give trusted partners access to your store. This blog post will walk you through the simple steps to make it happen.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sending a Collaborator Request in Shopify

  1. Access Shopify Settings

    To get started, log in to your Shopify admin panel. Look for the “Settings” option at the bottom left of your screen and click on it. In the Settings menu, you’ll see a list of options. Find and click on “Plan and permissions.

  2. Navigate to Store Staff Section

    On the Plan and permissions page, scroll down until you see a section called “Store staff.” This is where the magic happens. Look for a button that says “Add staff” and give it a click.

  3. Fill Out Collaborator Details

    Now, you’ll see a form where you can enter your collaborator’s details. Type in their email address and choose what level of access you want to give them. Shopify offers different roles like “Full access,” “Limited access,” or custom permissions. Pick the one that fits your needs best.

  4. Send the Invite

    After you’ve filled out the form, hit the “Send invite” button. Shopify will then send an email to your collaborator with instructions on how to join your store.

What Happens Next?

It’s important to remember that your collaborator will need to accept the invitation before they can start working on your store. They’ll get an email with a link to click, which will guide them through setting up their account.

Common Collaborator Issues in Shopify

While adding collaborators to your Shopify store is usually straightforward, you might run into a few bumps along the way. Here are some common issues and how to solve them:

  1. Collaborator didn’t receive the invitation email
    • Check if you entered the correct email address
    • Ask the collaborator to check their spam folder
    • Try resending the invitation from your Shopify admin panel

  2. Collaborator can’t access certain areas of the store
    • Review the permissions you’ve granted them
    • Make sure their role matches the access they need
    • Remember that some actions, like changing the store’s plan, are limited to the store owner

  3. Too many collaborator accounts
    • Keep in mind that your Shopify plan may limit the number of staff accounts you can have
    • Consider upgrading your plan if you need more collaborators
    • Review and remove any inactive collaborators

  4. Collaborator made unwanted changes
    • Use Shopify’s version history feature to revert changes if necessary
    • Clarify expectations and processes with your collaborator
    • Consider adjusting their permissions if needed

  5. Difficulty coordinating with collaborators in different time zones
    • Use scheduling tools to find overlapping work hours
    • Set clear deadlines that account for time differences
    • Use asynchronous communication tools like shared documents or project management software

Remember, good collaboration often involves some trial and error. Don’t be afraid to adjust your approach as you learn what works best for your team and your store.

Why Add a Collaborator?

Let’s talk about why you might want to add a collaborator to your Shopify store. Running an online business can be a lot of work, and sometimes you need an extra pair of hands or a fresh perspective. Here are some common reasons store owners choose to bring others on board:

  1. Store management help: As your business grows, you might find yourself swamped with day-to-day tasks. A collaborator can help manage orders, update product listings, or handle customer questions. This frees up your time to focus on growing your business.

  2. Design expertise: If you’re not confident in your design skills, working with a professional designer can give your store a polished, eye-catching look. They can update your theme, create attractive banners, or improve your overall brand image to help your store stand out.

  3. Marketing support: Getting the word out about your store is crucial. A marketing expert can help boost your store’s visibility. They might manage your social media accounts, create email campaigns, or optimize your product descriptions to help more customers find you.

  4. Financial management: Keeping track of numbers can be tricky. Bringing on an accountant or bookkeeper as a collaborator can help you stay on top of your finances, manage taxes, and make smart business decisions based on your store’s performance.

  5. Content creation: If writing isn’t your strong suit, a content creator can help tell your brand’s story. They can write engaging product descriptions, create blog posts, or craft compelling copy that speaks to your customers.

  6. Technical support: For those who aren’t tech-savvy, a developer collaborator can be a lifesaver. They can help with complex customizations, app integrations, or troubleshooting technical issues that pop up.

  7. Inventory management: As your product line expands, keeping track of stock can become challenging. A collaborator focused on inventory can help ensure you’re never out of stock on popular items and that your inventory records are always accurate.

  8. Customer service: Happy customers are repeat customers. If you’re struggling to keep up with customer inquiries, a customer service collaborator can help provide timely, helpful responses to keep your customers satisfied.

  9. Seasonal support: During busy periods like holidays, you might need extra help to handle the increased workload. Seasonal collaborators can provide the boost you need without requiring a long-term commitment.

  10. Expert advice: Sometimes, you might want to bring on an industry expert or business consultant as a collaborator. They can provide valuable insights and strategies to help your business grow and overcome challenges.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully sent a collaborator request in Shopify. It’s a straightforward process that opens up new possibilities for managing your online store.

Remember to only invite people you trust, as they’ll have access to parts of your store based on the permissions you’ve given them. Happy collaborating!

By the way, if you’re looking for a way to manage affiliates inside your Shopify store, look into
Simple Affiliate.