How to Make a Landing Page In Shopify

A landing page is a special webpage designed to grab visitors’ attention and get them to take action. These pages are super important for turning visitors into customers and collecting their contact info. Shopify is a great platform for making landing pages because it’s easy to use and has lots of cool features to help […]

How to Install a Shopify Theme

A landing page is a special webpage designed to grab visitors’ attention and get them to take action. These pages are super important for turning visitors into customers and collecting their contact info.

Shopify is a great platform for making landing pages because it’s easy to use and has lots of cool features to help your page look awesome and work well. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of making a landing page that looks great and converts visitors into customers.

Planning Your Shopify Landing Page

Before you dive into building your landing page, you need to lay some groundwork.

In this section, we’ll explore the key steps to plan your Shopify landing page.

Define Your Goal

Before you start building, you need to know what you want your landing page to do. Maybe you want to sell more products, get people to sign up for your email list, or show off a new item you’re selling. Having a clear goal will help you decide what to put on your page and how to design it.

Identify Your Target Audience

Think about who you’re trying to reach with your landing page. What do they care about? What problems do they have that your product can solve? When you understand your audience, you can create a message that really speaks to them.

Create a Wireframe or Layout Plan

Sketch out how you want your page to look. Decide where you’ll put important stuff like your main image, product info, customer reviews, and the button people will click to take action. Plan how visitors will move through your page to make sure it’s easy to use.

Your landing page will also follow your Theme’s design. Make sure to customize your Shopify theme or choose one that matches your overall store aesthetics.

Using Shopify’s Built-in Features

  1. Access Your Admin Dashboard: Log into your Shopify account.

  2. Navigate to Pages: Go to Online Store > Pages.

  1. Add a New Page:

    • Click on Add Page.

  • Enter a title for your landing page (e.g., “Summer Sale”).

  1. Add Content:

    • Use the text editor to input your content, including text, images, videos, and links.

    • Format your content using the toolbar options.

  1. Choose a Template:

    • Find the Template template section.

  • Choose a template type (default is usually fine, but you can customize as needed).

  1. Save Your Page: Click Save to create the page.

  1. Customize Visibility (Optional):

    • If you want this page to be hidden from your main navigation, find the Visibility section and choose Visible.

    • You can also schedule the webpage launch by clicking Set visibility date.

    • Choose Hidden to remove your landing page from public access.

  1. Preview and Publish: Click on View Page to see how it looks before sharing the link or making it live.

Optimizing Your Landing Page for Conversions

You’ve built your landing page, but the job’s not done yet! Now it’s time to fine-tune your creation to make sure it’s working as hard as possible to turn visitors into customers.

Mobile-Responsive Design

Lots of people will look at your page on their phones, so make sure it looks good on small screens. Use Shopify’s preview tool to check how your page looks on different devices.

SEO Best Practices

Help people find your page by using good SEO (search engine optimization) tricks:

  • Write clear titles and descriptions for search results

  • Make your images smaller so your page loads faster

  • Add alt text to images to help search engines understand them

A/B Testing Your Page

Try out different versions of your page to see what works best. You might test different headlines or CTA buttons. Use Shopify Analytics or Google Analytics to see which version gets better results.


Creating a high-converting landing page in Shopify doesn’t have to be complicated. By following the steps we’ve outlined – from careful planning and setup to optimization and launch – you can craft a page that effectively showcases your products and drives customer action.

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